Testimonials prova 02

Customer service is important. If you run a business, you already know that. But you might not realize just how great an impact poor customer service can have on your company’s bottom line. The data collected by ClickSoftware explains: “Poor customer experiences result in an estimated $83 billion loss by U.S. enterprises each year because of defections and abandoned purchases.” When dealing with customer service issues, it can be easy to focus more on the cost that might be associated with cor....

Testimonials prova 01

Customer service is important. If you run a business, you already know that. But you might not realize just how great an impact poor customer service can have on your company’s bottom line. The data collected by ClickSoftware explains: “Poor customer experiences result in an estimated $83 billion loss by U.S. enterprises each year because of defections and abandoned purchases.” When dealing with customer service issues, it can be easy to focus more on the cost that might be associated with cor....

Blog prova 02

Customer service is important. If you run a business, you already know that. But you might not realize just how great an impact poor customer service can have on your company’s bottom line. The data collected by ClickSoftware explains: “Poor customer experiences result in an estimated $83 billion loss by U.S. enterprises each year because of defections and abandoned purchases.” When dealing with customer service issues, it can be easy to focus more on the cost that might be associated with cor....
Pubblicato in Blog

Blog prova 01

Customer service is important. If you run a business, you already know that. But you might not realize just how great an impact poor customer service can have on your company’s bottom line. The data collected by ClickSoftware explains: “Poor customer experiences result in an estimated $83 billion loss by U.S. enterprises each year because of defections and abandoned purchases.” When dealing with customer service issues, it can be easy to focus more on the cost that might be associated with cor....
Pubblicato in Blog

Events prova 02

Customer service is important. If you run a business, you already know that. But you might not realize just how great an impact poor customer service can have on your company’s bottom line. The data collected by ClickSoftware explains: “Poor customer experiences result in an estimated $83 billion loss by U.S. enterprises each year because of defections and abandoned purchases.” When dealing with customer service issues, it can be easy to focus more on the cost that might be associated with cor....

Events prova 01

Customer service is important. If you run a business, you already know that. But you might not realize just how great an impact poor customer service can have on your company’s bottom line. The data collected by ClickSoftware explains: “Poor customer experiences result in an estimated $83 billion loss by U.S. enterprises each year because of defections and abandoned purchases.” When dealing with customer service issues, it can be easy to focus more on the cost that might be associated with cor....

Noleggio impianto mobile di frantumazione

La nostra azienda ha inserito nel proprio parco veicolare dei mezzi industriali, un innovativo macchinario all'avanguardia per la frantumazione e la selezione di qualsiasi materiale calcareo, lavico, marmoreo e materiali da costruzioni e demolizione sfruttando a pieno l'innovazione dell'industria 4.0 https://youtu.be/SEf5jFovoqQ https://youtu.be/-2auAnyTwwk

La lavorazione della Pietra di Modica

La lavorazione della pietra viene considerata, ora più che mai, un’arte che affonda le sue origini in una tradizione secolare di veri e propri “maestri”. La lavorazione della pietra avviene secondo criteri collaudati che si avvalgono di moderne tecnologie e sono completati dall’esperienza delle maestranze. Un’arte che viene tramandata da padre in figlio e che, supportata dalle tecniche avanzate di lavorazione, consente di ottenere risultati stupefacenti per la bellezza, l’originalità e l’...